Internet Age/College writing assignments

Times are changing, as we all should expect. Some things are for good and others are for bad. Upon moving into a digital era, many of us have, unfortunately have lost the want to read books, write, and even stay outside for long periods of time. As can be expected, teaching methods are changing too and unlike in previous decades, the incorporation of technology is common and necessary in classroom settings. Still remains the fact that, whether it is something enjoyable or something that people feel will be usable right away, when learning in a class setting or in general, it is important for people to want to feel a connection. Without that, many will shy away and find it unnecessary. So how do we establish a connection in this new era?

When walking into a room the majority of people inside it can be found on their phones, computers, and Ipad’s while having minimal conversations with fellow peers. Even after class, homework and study time is broken down into an endless cycle of Homework, Netflix, homework, instagram etc.…

Through humor, the Internet age writing syllabus touched on valid points. In these new times, we still are still reading and writing, yet not in the typical way. Though we, as young adults, do not feel a need or want to write, we do almost everyday. Our social media is a form of writing, though very different from standard writings. Quick messages, blogs, and status updates containing typos, slang, and newly created jargon surround us and there is a need to get our messages across fast, sufficiently and smoothly.

Yet still in classrooms, prompts can feel outdated to us. McSweeney’s college writing class assignments uses humor to talk about common things that happen to teens and young adults. If we want to learn things useful to our “real life” experiences, are these the type of prompts we will need to feel compelled and connected?

One thought on “Internet Age/College writing assignments

  1. I think you’re totally right to focus on the way both of these pieces are interested on the changing nature of writing. One of the questions we’ll have to deal with, though, is “What are the *consequences* of these changes?” Are there drawbacks to the focus on immediacy in internet communications? If there are, how do we address those limits? And how do we do that without eliminating the benefits of new kinds of writing and reading?


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